Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Personification in Lodge By:Robert Frost

1.The rain cannot talk to the wind the wind cannot listen to the rain and the flowers they can kneel when the wind pushes them.
2.The effects that the tool of personification brings to this poem is that it describes the rain and wind.
3.If the rain and the wind were real people i would describe this event by two people having a conflict whit each other.
4.If the flowers were real people they would fell bad after the wind and the rain smote the garden bed.
5.The speaker empathises whit the flowers by maybe him having a conflict like that or he was in situation like that before.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Love is like a rainbow
Love is like a broken glass
Love is like a simile to hate
Love is like a river
Love is like an injection
Love is full of hate

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Similies Comparing

Sport to an object
1.The Raiders Jersey are as black as the night.
2.The Chargers are as slow as a snail.
3.The Raiders are cool as an ice cube.
Holiday to an object
1.Christmas is as wonderful as a rainbow.
2.Thanksgiving is as grateful as food.
3.Summer is as hot as a a jacuzzi.
Person to an object
1.My mom is like Santa Claus.
2.My teacher is like the Grinch.
3.The guys are like dogs.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Comparing Universe to an object         .
   1..The moon is a big piece of cheese
    2.The stars are night lights.
    3.The sun is a hot stove.
Comparing an Emotion to an object
  1. Sadness is a quick sand.
  2. Happiness is a rainbow
  3. Anger is a volcano.
Comparing a Person to an object
1.My Cousin is a Teddy bear.
2.My mother is a dictionary.
3.My brother is an alarm clock.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Tall Tale

My brother came for dinner late and explained to me and my mom why.he said a big dog was chasing him.The dog had enamours teeth and claws two.He also explained why his clothes was riped. he said the dog got him and was about to eat him whit his enormous teeth. but he got away just in time before the dog ate him for supper.So when he got away the dog was still chasing him so he had to get on top of a roof but the dog was so big he could reach the roof so he just ran straight home.this is why my brother was late for diner.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

For Women

1.What is the poet alluding to in these lines?
The poet means that the daughter is pregnant and she saw a symbol that told her she had to leave.
2.Explain the reference to the Mason-Dixon?
The reference of the Mason-Dixon is that she is trying to get away from somewhere.
3.What is the poet referring to in the line,"when the rainbow's enuff'?
The poet is referring to that she gets to give her baby's love only when there is peace in the world.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ain't I a Woman

1.Who is the "man" to which the author refers?
The man that the author refers to is to white people.
2.What is the author alluding to,"or over mud puddles"?
The author means that when elegant women's get respected b y every guy but she doesn't and isn't she a women too.
3.What does the author mean,'I have plowed and planted"?
The author means that she can plowed and plant as hard and better than a man she is strong and hard worker like a man.
4.Explain the line,"And no man could head me."?
The author means that she can do better than a man but no man helps her out.
5.Who is the "little man in black" to which the author refers to?
The little man i n black that the author refers to is the preacher of the church.
6.To what famous moment is the author alluding?
The famous moment that the author is alluding to is to the birth of Jesus Christ.
7.To what other famous moment is the author alluding to?
The author is alluding to Eva the first women god create and she bite the apple and turn the world upside down so any women has the power to do anything they want.
8.What 'call to action" is the author putting forth for all the women to embrace if the world is to be turned "right side up again"?
That women can be powerful if they work together and they can get equal rights for them.
9.What is your impression of the author of this poem after exploring some of the allusions in her poem "Ain't i a women?"
My impression of this poem is that she is strong and powerful and women can do the same thing a man can do.Not only because their a women that docent mean that they can't do what a man dose