Wednesday, December 14, 2011

For Women

1.What is the poet alluding to in these lines?
The poet means that the daughter is pregnant and she saw a symbol that told her she had to leave.
2.Explain the reference to the Mason-Dixon?
The reference of the Mason-Dixon is that she is trying to get away from somewhere.
3.What is the poet referring to in the line,"when the rainbow's enuff'?
The poet is referring to that she gets to give her baby's love only when there is peace in the world.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ain't I a Woman

1.Who is the "man" to which the author refers?
The man that the author refers to is to white people.
2.What is the author alluding to,"or over mud puddles"?
The author means that when elegant women's get respected b y every guy but she doesn't and isn't she a women too.
3.What does the author mean,'I have plowed and planted"?
The author means that she can plowed and plant as hard and better than a man she is strong and hard worker like a man.
4.Explain the line,"And no man could head me."?
The author means that she can do better than a man but no man helps her out.
5.Who is the "little man in black" to which the author refers to?
The little man i n black that the author refers to is the preacher of the church.
6.To what famous moment is the author alluding?
The famous moment that the author is alluding to is to the birth of Jesus Christ.
7.To what other famous moment is the author alluding to?
The author is alluding to Eva the first women god create and she bite the apple and turn the world upside down so any women has the power to do anything they want.
8.What 'call to action" is the author putting forth for all the women to embrace if the world is to be turned "right side up again"?
That women can be powerful if they work together and they can get equal rights for them.
9.What is your impression of the author of this poem after exploring some of the allusions in her poem "Ain't i a women?"
My impression of this poem is that she is strong and powerful and women can do the same thing a man can do.Not only because their a women that docent mean that they can't do what a man dose

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pumped up kicks song alliteration

He'll look around the room
He wont tell you his plan
He's got a rolled cigarette
Hanging out his mouth
He's a cowboy kid

Alliteraation Tounge Twister

1. Terrific Tony Trained The terrific turtle
2. English earmuffs were on the elphants ears
3. Black bears and brown bugs enojy bananas
4.Terrific Tony Takes Tang soo do
5.English earmuffs were enchanted
6.Black bears and brown bugs enjoy basketball

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Poetry October 13

1.Poetry is something that has to rhyme and come from the heart

2. The people that are likely to agree whit me are people that like poems some people will disagree if they don't like poems.

3.Poetry has to rhyme or at least make sense

4..Poetry has to make sense it cannot be random words on a page

5. The feelings poetry has to evoke can be any feelings its just what you have in mind and how u fell.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1.who was vincent van gogh?
vincent Van gogh is consider the greatest dutch painter. Van gogh produced his work 900 paintings and 110 drawings during a period of 10years before he sufere from mental illness. his full name is vincent willem van gogh.
2.why was he famous?
vincent van gogh was famous after his death he became one of the most famous painters in the world. van goghs painting captured minds and hearts of millions of art lovers and made those the new world of art.
3.what was hapining in the us during the time period?
many worl events transpired during this time. the crimean was was on 1853 when he was born in 1855.abrham lincon was elected us president in 1860.the civil was started in 186-1865.
4.what was happening to your community during that time period?did your comunity exist?my community didnt exist back then.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


San Jual-LSJ Exploration [1]
Wordle: texas vs mexico

texas vs mexico

Wordle: texas vs mexico